Saturday, December 24, 2011

CM Lim Guan Eng on youtube about the demolition of Pudu jail

From: "Lim Cheok Siang Jimmy" <>
Date: December 24, 2011 7:13:53 GMT+08:00
To: "Penang Heritage Trust (PHT) Discussions" <>
Subject: Re: [Penang Heritage Trust (PHT) Discussions] New link
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If he can say all that I cannot imagine that...
Lim Cheok Siang Jimmy 24 December 07:13
If he can say all that I cannot imagine that he would have allowed all the things happening in Penang. It may suggest that most of the things against heritage are done without his know ledge...what say you guys? Agree or not? Immediately I can think of so many Agencies in Penang who may not be doing their job or are misled into believing that their job scope is only very small and limited. This notion is then conveyed to the CM and he being a good and trusting leader acts on their recommendations. (Also first timer CM leh). Unlike Tsu Khoon who had govern Pennag for so long LGE is new and not conversant with how the Local Government is run. So he acts on poor advice and many things related to the heritage matters and environmental issues not properly "stop work order" becomes commencement of work, telling a person who has done something wrong to quickly rectify the wrong by submitting plans and rushing them through on a VIP pass? Or a "rebuild Order" has become a wait and see game. How lah CM to run a City and State as beautifula s Penang? Despite most of the GTWH core site is zoned for "Residential, Commercial, Markets, Institutional, Religious" purposes under the Planning Guidelines, why is the Local Authorities allowing "Agriculture and Farming" of sorts to be allowed in the city that is not ZONED for that purpose? Why? IS there a hidden agenda? So that means KFC can tomorrow move their chicken farm to a KOMTAR WALK shoplot, to supply chicken to their outlet at KOMTAR WALK? YB CHow how do you think this would fit in with your scheme of things to improve patronage of Komtar (Everbright)? Our Government should now send a message out to the Government Agencies that they must do their job for the protection and enjoyment of the people living in the city. Reason the people are "hammering" this Government for all the mistakes the agencies created......and this will change once they get re-erected into office as the people are behind the Government but not behind poor workers in Govern Agencies and bad messengers.
Comment history
Lim Cheok Siang Jimmy
Lim Cheok Siang Jimmy24 December 06:46
Can someone tell our CM that we all speak the same language as he did over the Pudu Jail issue. Somehow I think in the translation or transfer of information to the CM by his 'under-links' and abled assistants our intents and message got screwed up and he ends up thinking that we are "against" him big time and he angry with us 'environmentalists and heritage freaks'. BUT LGE SPEAKS SAME how can be enemy. Maybe many messengers speak different "lingos".....which explains why CM gets confuse we are told that the 'Cheng Hoo" of Ayer Itam is not LGE. Did his people tell him that? This is bad politics. People may end up erecting a wrong person to Govern the next time. Make hay whilst the sun shine. I extracted some quotes by LGE which could have 1. "Express my regrets at the demolition of the Pudu Jail wall" ….CM Penang

2. "…sad that historic building build in 1895 is torn down to make way for commercial development" ….CM Penang

3. "…remind the Fed Gov. that you cannot buy heritage. Once it is destroyed nothing can return it back" ….CM Penang

4. "…some countries like Singapore ….to make way for sky scrapers……now………..if given an opportunity to do it again, they would retain many of the heritage buildings" ….CM Penang

5. "……remember you can buy a lot of things cannot buy love or time." ….CM Penang

6. "You must have your cultural assets in place. Malaysia wants to become a civil society….to be a civil society you must first be a civilised Nation to be a civilised Nation you must first make sure you are able to take care and protect your cultural assets." ….CM Penang

7. "… is still part of our past and heritage" ….CM Penang

8. "… is not everything" ….CM Penang

9. "Do they tear down the great wall of Chinas to make way for development? " ….CM Penang

10. "If we as a Nation do not know how to preserve and protect our cultural heritage it does not reflect well on all of us" ….CM Penang

11. "…..Disappointment on the failure of the Gov. and the wrong sense of priority……..where they place the value of money and commercial interests than… protecting the heritage" ….CM Penang

12. "I mean for us if in Penang we can stop the development by not approving the plans unless you conform to heritage requirements…developments can complement each other….development also retain heritage aspect by complementing and supplementing each other. It is not mutually exclusive that you have to destroy one (heritage) to replace with a modern development. I think you can complement and supplement each other" ….CM Penang
been us Chanting......."
Yan Lee
Yan Lee23 December 18:12
we want this man, watch this video
Original post
Citizen Chant
Citizen Chant23 December 16:38
DAP express regret over Pudu Jail
DAP MPs, led by Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng today expressed regret that there has been no eff...

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