Thursday, June 16, 2011

Irresponsible developers, dont consider the neighbours

Klassik Tropika or Mah Sing just dont care work on Sunday.

We are a old neighbour hood at Pykett, some elderly folks need their peace and quiet.

Thank you MPPP for taking action.

Youu need to keep an eye on Pykett, because Mah Sing dont care about the people here. They are not responsible like E & O. We need more like E&O in Penang and not Mah Sing.

MPPP of Penang please record this you can see how they dont care about us the people of Penang. YB Chow, what can we say, they just don care about us . YB Chow if you dont put pressure on them, they will not consider us your people.

YB Chow thank you for caring.

Tan Sri Leong your man in Penang do not care about the neighbour hood, is this Mah Sing's culture ?? How can you compete in the international market if you cannot be transparent in Penang.


Yew TS
Ydp-mppp YB Chow K Y Azizah binti Osman AKB -Danny BI5- Ida
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Jabatan telahpun memberi amaran kpd pihak pemilik tanah spy tidak menjalankan sebarang kerja pd hari ahad & cuti umum mahupun hanyalah kerja-kerja "site clearing & fumigation" shj.
Pemantauan sewajarnya akan dibuat thd perkara tsb. Tk.


Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Patahiyah Bt Ismail
Date: June 13, 2011 1:58:48 PM GMT+08:00
To: Yew Tung Seang
Subject: Fw: 20 lebuh raya pykett
Reply-To: Patahiyah Bt Ismail

Mr Yew, tolong jawab email ini sepertimana kita bincang tadi. Tk
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 12:23:55 +0800
Cc: aduan mppp; ; ; ydp mppp
Subject: Re: 20 lebuh raya pykett

Ms Lim
We will follow up on your matter and request MPPP to coordinate.

-----Lim Siew hwa wrote: -----

To: aduan mppp ,,
From: Lim Siew hwa
Date: 06/13/2011 11:49AM
cc: ydp mppp , chowkonyeow
Subject: Re: 20 lebuh raya pykett

thank you for your email.

looking forward to a reply

From: Aduan ;
To: Hafizah binti Mavi ; Azizul Fahmi bin Muhammad ;
Cc: ; Patahiyah Bt Ismail ; ;
Subject: FW: 20 lebuh raya pykett
Sent: Sun, Jun 12, 2011 1:02:27 PM


Dengan segala hormatnya saya diarah merujuk kepada puan perkara diatas.

2.      Terlebih dahulu pihak Majlis ingin merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada pengadu Cik Lim atas kepercayaan kepada pihak Majlis dalam mengendalikan aduan ini.

3.        Bersama-sama ini dipanjangkan e-mel yang diterima untuk perhatian dan tindakan sewajarnya.

4.        Sehubungan itu, amatlah dihargai sekiranya pihak puan dapat membantu beliau mengenai masalah ini.

Sekian, dimaklumkan.


Bahagian Perhubungan Awam,
Jabatan Khidmat Pengurusan,
Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang.

From: lim
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2011 7:24 PM
To: Aduan
Cc:; Patahiyah Bt Ismail
Subject: 20 lebuh raya pykett

dear sir

I am sending you this emel because today Sunday and workers cutting trees very noisy at near my house.

Can they do work on Sunday ??

I read in papers MPPP only allow work to go on during Monday to Friday.

My father is old and need rest.

Thank you

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Email secured by Check Point

Friday, June 10, 2011

Geh has got it all wrong !!

The issue here is not whether rebuilding is the right way to go, u can reason till the cowscome home.

The main issue is THE ILLEGAL DEMOLITION. its all about skirting the law. Laws are created for a purpose, th

The whole purpose here is to prevent illegal demolition of buildings without planning permission so all people of Penang can have a peace enjoyment of life.

It helps with planning and allows the local council and government of the day to look at the big picture.


Expert questions Pykett bungalow rebuild order
Himanshu Bhatt

GEORGE TOWN (May 18, 2011): An order by the Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP) to a developer to rebuild a colonial-era bungalow it had illegally demolished has been questioned since the structure has not been listed in any official heritage list.

Chartered surveyor and land economist Michael Geh said the building along Pykett Avenue, which is connected to the family of 19th century magnate Khaw Sim Bee, does not appear in any heritage protection list.

MPPP had issued the order to Klassik Tropika Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of Mah Sing Group, on Jan 11 to rebuild the bungalow as it had brought down the structure without the necessary approval.

The building was originally owned by Khaw Bian Cheng Sdn Bhd, which is connected to Khaw Sim Bee who became governor of Phuket in the 1890s.

Geh noted that Khaw was not even known to have lived in the building, which was inhabited by his relatives.

“Furthermore, George Town’s Unesco inscription lays emphasis on living culture,” he stressed. “Preserving living heritage is more important than bringing back an already demolished building.”

He added that even if the building were to be rebuilt it would not be able to revive the original heritage and culture of the family that once lived in it.

“In fact, the company connected to the family had already sold the building and its land,” he noted.

Klassik Tropika has submitted a proposal to the MPPP on Oct 6 last year for an apartment complex with four high-rise towers on the site.

The company had said it already complied with action taken against it, including a fine of RM6,000 set by the George Town magistrate's court on Jan 17 this year, for demolishing the bungalow without permit on July 26 last year.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

pykett test case for heritage protection

This Pykett property and issues related is very important, because if the developers Are not taken to task for what they have done to Pykett property, all of our buildings in town will not be safe.

any one can just demolish and pay a small fine just like Pykett. Worst case is that this property was to be inspected by MPPP and TRP formed by the Penang government, few days before inspection, bungalow demolished.

Pykett is not a heritage building, the developer did not follow the rule of law. Certain laws in Malaysia cannot protect the buildings in town.

We in Penang a Unesco Heritage city, to keep our listing, we need to protect our buikdings.

flooding at Pykett, Westland, Khawsimbee area at the last heavy downpuour in May 2011

YB Chow

please inform us what action you are taking on this area ??

MPPP in the process of allowing Mahsing to build four, forty storey
towers @20pykett, how can we the residents cope with flooding problem,
traffic and car park ??

Please reduce the density, they can build a high end landed, gated and
guarded community, like E&O. MPPP must guide them and change them to
be a responsible developer. Not simply demolish bungalow on site when
MPPP and TRP about to inpect the site.

CAT policy and the rule of law must prevail. YB this is why the Penang
people voted for DAP.

Thank you for a new Malaysia.

A copy of this email is hand delivered to residents mail box on
Pykett, Westland and Khawsimbee


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: b nawawi
Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Subject: flooding in Pykett Khawsimbee and Westland area at the last
heavy downpour
To: "" , ""


pleasetake note the flooding occuring in our areaat the lastdown pour in May.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yan Lee
Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Subject: flooding in Pykett Khawsimbee and Westland area at the last
heavy downpour
To: b nawawi

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

letter to CM eighth June 2011

From: b nawawi
Date: June 8, 2011 18:22:25 GMT+08:00
To: Patahiyah Bt Ismail ,,
Cc:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CHONG CHENG HAI , editor malaysian chronical , Himanshu Bhatt , kwongwah , nst penang , "Regional Editor (North) Choi Tuck Wo" , Penang Heritage Trust , Shamiah Binti Haji Bilal , "Sheau Fung, Ho" , Clement LIANG , Dr Choong Sim Poey , Jack ONG , Jack Ong , Joe Sidek , Lim Gaik Siang , Loh-Lim Lin Lee , Rebecca WILKINSON , Salma Khoo , Sharom AHMAT , Timothy Tye , Woo Yee Saik , Leslie James , "y.lee" , vannangt , "Alex Koenig (Europe online)" , Salma Khoo , "Lau Pei Ling (PHT)" , Ahmad CHIK , Amy Chung , Chin-Tong Liew , "Dato' Lee Kah Choon" , Ann Lee

I should add that we are all for sustainable development, but no to illegal and irresponsible development.

On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 6:18 PM, b nawawi wrote:

On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 6:18 PM, b nawawi wrote:
Puan, YB and CM,

We wish to highlight to your office again that the illegal demolition of the bungalow at  20 Pykett has caused major repercussions in Penang. 

The owners of the land were fined a small sum, this amount is less then 1% of the total GDV of the project.

This is a problem as it is not a deterrent to other developers. It is only logical to disregard the implications of demolishing a building without planning permission and be a irresponsible developer. Pay the fine and that is it. The developer will costs all this into their new project, no big deal. Land costs is rising to a level of 400 per sq foot in town, this is making it more and more lucrative for developers to knock down buildings to develop new mega structures. [no difference if Heritage buildings or not]

Now another bungalow on Burmah Road, opposite Convent Pulau Tikus is under threat. a small difference being that this developer  is a responsible developer, they have applied for planning permission to demolish the bungalow, waiting for approval from MPPP.

What is to stop them from taking it down tomorrow ?? Knock it down and pay a RM6000,00 fine. Precedent has been set by the courts. All the lawyers in town know of this case, they shall advice their clients accordingly. Fair enough, 20 Pykett was not listed as heritage since the ORANGE bungalow is double the fine. Still cheap for a 500million GDV project. 

MPPP is also making excuses that they cannot find detail drawings, we have consulted our consultants from Penang and Australia and have been advice that there are other methods available to perform reconstruction on site. MPPP having ordered the owners to unconditionally reconstruct the building, should push for this.

CM it is imperative that action is taken to prevent errant developers from demolishing buildings without planning permission, we note inadequacy in our system, that is why we need to address them. 

Our Heritage buildings are not safe !! pay a small fine is not a deterrent.

The oppurtiunity is before the Penang Government and MPPP to stop future illegal demolitions happening, new common law has to be made in courts to protect our heritage buildings. Penang is a UNESCO listed living Heritage city today. This listing has done wonders for Penang.

Thank you for a new Malaysia.

Yours sincerely
Dr. B Nawawi.

The press can you help to publicise this issue.